Children’s Policy Framework must ensure quality of life for families – Prime Minister Robert Abela addressing the Eurochild Convention



In the coming weeks, a final document of the Children’s Policy Framework 2024-2030 will be published. This follows the initial draft, which was open for public consultation and received over 200 submissions from children and 35 additional submissions from stakeholders in the field.

Prime Minister Robert Abela highlighted this in his address at the conclusion of the Eurochild Convention, held in Malta over the past two days in collaboration with the Malta Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society. The Chairperson of this Foundation, President Emeritus Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, is also the President of the Administrative Board of Eurochild, an international organisation that brings together various associations across Europe working with children.

Prime Minister Robert Abela underlined that this Children’s Policy Framework is designed to align with the government’s efforts to enhance the quality of life for families. This framework addresses key issues identified by children, such as quality family time, environmental concerns, health, and education. Dr Abela noted that alongside this work, there is the National Action Plan for Child Guarantee, which includes important measures that this socially driven government is implementing to continue addressing social realities. He explained that half of the social measures in this Action Plan are being implemented in crucial areas such as social security, education, health, and housing.

At the Eurochild Conference, Prime Minister Robert Abela emphasised the importance of keeping our country open and ensuring that children’s voices are heard and valued. “This supports activism among children and youth, which is crucial for further strengthening our society”, Dr Abela said. He referred to the R.I.G.H.T.S. project, led by the Malta Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society and supported by the government, which is resulting in training children and youths in leadership skills to establish Local and Regional Children’s Councils.

Dr Abela concluded by stating that children are not only the present and the future but also the foundation of our society. He emphasised the need to continue supporting them to ensure a brighter future for our country.

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