Gazing at our country’s architecture, one can recount the history of a nation.
The history of a people, dependent on the goodwill of others.
A populace hopeful that those who rule them will also feed them.
Until we stood on our own two feet and freed ourselves from external rule.
Our forefathers fought for our future and that of our country.
So that we could become the authors of our own story, as main actors.
And because we worked together, a united people, we won and birthed our nation.
From all the islands in the Mediterranean, Malta remains the only island nation state.
A history of courage and a story of a nation that refused to be defined by its modest size.
From a population starved by war to a free and modern country built within just two generations.
Free to think.
Free to dream and forge ahead.
In our very own mother tongue, we called for freedom.
A country that had to send its children to the world’s four corners.
Amidst the heartbreak of mothers waving off their children, often, for the last time, saying goodbye to their kin, their hope.
Today, instead of separation, we have hope here at home.
And a sense of opportunity and optimism.
Today, a mother looks on in pride as her children write our country’s history.
Our country Malta.
This is our Malta.
The Malta we are proud of.
A small country but a proud nation.
A people that always triumphed and succeeded.
50 years from the creation of Malta’s Republic.
Today, stands a modern country that offers our children a future based on quality.
I am the first to be critical when we fall short.
But you will never hear me speak against my country, our country.
As this is our land, this is our home.
My appeal for the New Year is one for unity.
Let’s work together to find solutions to the issues affecting our people.
United we are greater than the sum of our parts.
Unity is far greater than resentment.
There is a lot of good in this nation.
We are kind-hearted people.
Hardworking people. Our country’s economy is thriving and creating more wealth.
We have boundless talent amongst us and great fortitude.
In the coming days, we will continue addressing one of our most significant challenges, that of imported labour.
I will ensure that as the economy grows, this does not adversely affect the quality of life of the Gozitans and Maltese, or indeed the environment around us.
This, I will never accept.
As for the tourism industry, we have the luxury to be able to prioritise and lean towards the quality, not the quantity of tourists we attract.
We have solutions, and these solutions shall be implemented.
We have a clear plan, and we know where we’re heading.
In the coming days, you’ll witness the implementation of Budget measures in your day-to-day life.
The largest tax reduction in history.
What will this mean?
It means that every worker will see an increase in their take-home pay, you’ll be left with more money in your pocket.
Every pensioner will receive another increase for the tenth consecutive year whilst all parents have already received the first tranche of the €250 increase in Children’s Allowance.
These are some of the many measures that will come into effect in the coming year.
During this year, we will also intensify our work to address various people’s needs, amongst them the much-needed surgeries of our elderly.
We are putting in our best efforts to reduce waiting lists in the shortest time possible.
But that’s not all.
In the housing sector, we’re continuing our work to support everyone in becoming homeowners.
We will make sure that bold schemes and incentives, such as the equity sharing scheme, amongst others, can be enjoyed by more people.
A collective effort will be made towards improving physical accessibility in social housing accommodation.
What was promised in October will come into fruition over the coming days.
We deliver on our promises, and I give you my word that we will deliver.
When this country comes together, when this country shows courage and does not bow down in fear, it will always forge ahead, writing the next chapter of our story of success.
A story of perseverance where the smallness of our nation does not compare to the vastness of our dreams for it.
On behalf of myself, my wife Lydia, and our daughter Giorgia Mae, we wish you all a year of unity, hope and peace.