Month: November 2022


Il-Gvern jieħu nota tas-sentenza mogħtija iktar kmieni llum dwar il-ftehim mal-Federazzjoni Kaċċaturi Nassaba Konservazzjonisti (FKNK) dwar l-art tal-Miżieb u tal-Aħrax.

Ir-riservi tal-Miżieb u tal-Aħrax ilhom jiġu amministrati mill-FKNK sa mis-snin tmenin u l-ftehim, li meta sar kien ippubblikat b’mod sħiħ, kellu l-għan li jirregola dak li kien ilu jsir.

Il-Gvern qed jieħu nota tad-deċiżjoni tal-Qorti.


When addressing COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, Prime Minister Robert Abela stated that measures which truly address climate change must now be implemented.

This can be done by means of robust policies that incentivise investment in the digital economy together with policies that encourage greater use of alternative energy.

During his address to the United Nations meeting on climate change, attended by numerous world leaders, the prime minister announced that just like last year in Glasgow, Malta will be doubling its contribution to the International Climate Fund.

Dr Abela added that Malta is implementing its decarbonisation strategy which will lead to carbon neutrality by 2050.

Prime Minister Abela explained that this year, the Maltese Government has also focused on a structured stakeholder dialogue with the private sector, and this has generated a crucial momentum to drive the green and just transition.

The prime minister outlined Malta’s presence at COP year after year is a manifestation of the country’s commitment to the Paris Agreement, as well as our resolve to keep the 1.5-degree target alive.

Furthermore, Malta is committed to the EU’s ambitious Fit for 55 package, aimed at reducing emissions to thus mitigate global warming.

Dr Robert Abela said that we must go beyond statements of goodwill, as only actions will deliver results that safeguard our environment, and this must be done with commitment and ambition.

Prime Minister Robert Abela stated that this phenomenon is impacting every corner of the world, yet small island states are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change despite being the ones that have least contributed to the release of carbon over the years.

The prime minister said that going forward, the future should be based on the equality of nations, without disparity, and added that Malta is probably best placed to serve as a test bed for new technologies that can make a difference.

The prime minister also discussed Malta’s willingness to provide assistance to Small Island Development States (SIDS) by sharing best practice, including on water management.

He also added that Malta will be offering scholarships to students from these islands, to undertake climate related studies at the University of Malta.

Furthermore, Malta is supporting other countries in their decarbonisation efforts, and recently sent medical assistance to Pakistan following the devastating floods as part of our support to countries experiencing climate-related disasters.

The prime minister said that the sea level rises caused by climate change should not affect any rights which islands and coastal nations currently have over their land and maritime jurisdiction.

Dr Abela concluded that the green revolution will lead to shared benefits including affordable clean energy, healthy air, and enough food for all.

This transition must be delivered for our people and our future.

Earlier on, the prime minister also addressed a high-level meeting on water security where he shared Malta’s best practice in water sustainability.


In the margins of the COP27 meeting in Sharm El-Sheikh, Prime Minister Robert Abela held a bilateral meeting with the Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland.

The meeting focused mostly on the Commonwealth Secretariat request for Malta to serve on the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group.

Prime Minister Robert Abela said Malta is honoured to serve within this Group and will be playing an active role in ensuring that democratic principles, human rights, and rule of law are upheld.

On climate change, the Prime Minister reiterated that Malta will continue supporting Small Island Development States in their efforts to combat climate change.

In this regard, the government’s aim is to continue to share best practices.

The Prime Minister also outlined how the Commonwealth offers an important platform for small island states in the fight against climate change, especially small states that have unique vulnerabilities and challenges requiring more tailored solutions.

During the meeting, the passing away of HM Queen Elizabeth II and her role in strengthening the Commonwealth was also touched upon.

The Prime Minister highlighted the late Queen’s relationship with Malta, noting that her last official visit was to the islands in 2015.


B’sinjal lejn il-ħidma li wettaq tul is-snin fosthom bħala Prim Ministru ta’ Malta, il-Prim Ministru Robert Abela offra li jkun organizzat funeral statali lil Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici.

Filwaqt li l-familja ta’ Dr. Mifsud Bonnici apprezzat dan il-ġest, il-familja infurmat lill-Uffiċċju tal-Prim Ministru li Dr Mifsud Bonnici kien esprima x-xewqa permezz ta’ ittra dikjaratorja li ma jsirlux dan it-tip ta’ funeral wara mewtu.

Il-Prim Ministru Robert Abela jirrispetta din ix-xewqa.

Il-Gvern se jibqa’ jikkomunika mal-familja Mifsud Bonnici u jgħin fl-organizzazzjoni ta’ funeral skont ix-xewqat tal-eks Prim Ministru ta’ Malta.

Il-Gvern itenni l-kondoljanzi lill-familja Mifsud Bonnici u jsellem il-memorja tal-eks Prim Ministru għall-ħidma li wettaq b’risq Malta.


Il-Gvern ta’ Malta jsellem il-memorja tal-Eks Prim Ministru Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici.

Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici jibqa’ mfakkar għall-ħidma tiegħu bi djalogu favur l-interessi tal-ħaddiema.

Il-Prim Ministru Robert Abela qal li t-telfa ta’ Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici hija telfa ta’ ġentlom li tul ħajtu ta kontribut enormi favur il-kawża tal-ħaddiem, bis-sehem tiegħu fil-politika, fit-trade unions u l-professjoni tiegħu.

Filwaqt li wassal il-kondoljanzi tiegħu lill-familja u l-qraba tal-eks Prim Ministru, huwa spjega kif dejjem ammira lil Dr Mifsud Bonnici għas-sens ta’ servizz li ried jagħti lejn iż-żgħir.

Dr Abela qal li daqskemm Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici ħabb lill-ħaddiem, ħabb ukoll lil pajjiżu u għalhekk jibqa’ ta’ eżempju għal ħafna.​