Month: February 2023


Il-Gvern jirreferi għas-sentenza tal-Prim Awla tal-Qorti Ċivili li ngħatat illum mill-Imħallef Francesco Depasquale dwar il-konċessjoni tal-isptarijiet. 

Il-Gvern qed janalizza din is-sentenza, u f’kull eventwalità se jassigura li jħares l-interess nazzjonali, l-impjiegi tal-ħaddiema kollha, u s-servizzi kollha li l-pazjenti jieħdu mill-isptarijiet, li huma mertu tal-konċessjoni li dwarha ngħatat is-sentenza surriferita.


Yearly €1,000 grant to first-time buyers over ten years

In a press conference at Auberge de Castille, Prime Minister Robert Abela announced that the electoral proposal of giving a yearly €1,000 grant to first-time buyers over ten years is now being implemented. First-time buyers who bought a property last year with a bank loan can start applying for the grant at the Housing Authority on Monday, 20 February.

Prime Minister Robert Abela said the objective of this grant is clear; that the dream of purchasing a first property will be a positive experience for the youths of Malta and Gozo.

This measure is being implemented less than a year since it was announced ahead of last year’s general election, together with other key and significant measures that have already been implemented.

The Prime Minister explained that the challenges faced by first-time buyers are no secret; the determination to purchase their first property and turn it into a home for them and their families while, in parallel, moving forward in their career path. The government wants to be there in the first stage of this process, which is understood to be the most challenging stage. This scheme will be part of a wider package of support that the government gives to first-time buyers. This includes, for example, the removal of stamp duty for first-time buyers, as well as other schemes for specific circumstances such as the Equity Sharing and New Hope, all of which are aimed at upholding the spirit of social justice.

The Prime Minister ended his address by stating that this is the government that worked the hardest so everyone could buy their property, so that in Malta everyone is empowered to reach their objectives and targets. The successful implementation of this scheme showcases that the government keeps and delivers its promises and is determined to make a meaningful and positive difference in the lives and livelihoods of the people.

Minister for Social and Affordable Accommodation Roderick Galdes outlined that this grant fits perfectly into a chain of services, grants, and schemes that the government has introduced in the sector in recent years. The sector is resilient, despite the many challenges the world is currently facing, because the government never brushed aside those who sought to enter the property market, but rather, the government increased the number of initiatives so that whoever works hard to buy their first property receives support from the government.

CEO of the Housing Authority, Matthew Zerafa, described how the authority has grown and no longer covers social accommodation only. The authority now serves as a regulator within the sector to ensure that it functions well and for everyone’s benefit.

This grant will not be subject to any means test, and the Housing Authority will be issuing annual payments during June by means of a bank transfer directly into the applicant’s bank account, if the applicant is the sole beneficiary, or into a joint account, if the applicant is a couple.

The applicants that bought their first residential home from 1 January 2022 have until 31 May 2023 to apply and receive their first payment in June 2023. If the contract is signed in 2023, applicants must apply by March 2024 and will receive the first payment in June 2024.

Applications are to be submitted on​


Il-Prim Ministru Robert Abela żar il-postijiet fejn l-artisti tal-Karnival jaħdmu b’dedikazzjoni liema bħalha. Hemmhekk iltaqa’ mal-parteċipanti li kienu għaddejjin bl-aħħar preparamenti qabel jesebixxu l-karrijiet u l-kostumi tagħhom.

Organizzat minn Festivals Malta, il-Karnival ta’ Malta huwa wieħed mill-eqdem festivals f’pajjiżna, li saħansitra jmur lura għal 500 sena ilu. Din is-sena l-attivitajiet tal-Karnival ser ikunu mifruxa fuq ħamest ijiem fil-Belt Valletta. F’din l-edizzjoni ser jikkompetu disa’ kategoriji differenti li jikkonsistu f’karrijiet, żfin kompetittiv, stallazzjonijiet, u maskaruni.

Waqt iż-żjara tiegħu, il-Prim Ministru tkellem mal-parteċipanti, fejn spjegawlu kif minn kunċett artistiku jirnexxilhom joħolqu l-karrijiet tagħhom, xogħol li jieħu xhur twal biex jitlesta. Huwa faħħar din il-ħidma u sostna li permezz ta’ dan it-talent qed iżommu ħaj it-tradizzjoni tal-Karnival, sabiex ikompli jitgawda mill-pubbliku kif ukoll mit-turisti.

Il-Prim Ministru ra wkoll il-vetturi l-ġodda li ser jintużaw waqt il-Karnival permezz ta’ investiment ta’ €1.2 miljun. Huwa tenna li l-Gvern kommess li jkompli jinvesti fil-qasam tal-kultura u permezz ta’ dan l-investiment ser ikollna Karnival aktar sostenibbli u sigur, kemm għall-parteċipanti kif ukoll għall-udjenzi.​


Il-Prim Ministru Robert Abela bagħat ittra lid-Direttur Eżekuttiv tal-Mediatoday Saviour Balzan b’rabta ma’ ittra li ntbagħtet mill-kumpanija tal-midja dwar talba għal investigazzjoni.

Il-Gvern ma jinvestigax ġurnalisti u kommess li jibqa’ jkun hemm ambjent fejn il-ġurnalisti jitħallew jagħmlu xogħolhom.

L-Uffiċċju tal-Prim Ministru qed jippubblika l-ittra li ntbagħtet lis-Sur Balzan.

Mal-wasla tiegħu f’Malta wara li attenda għall-Kunsill Ewropew Straordinarju fi Brussell, il-Prim Ministru Robert Abela kellu laqgħa spontanja fl-Ajruport Internazzjonali ta’ Malta mas-Segretarju tal-Istat għall-Affarijiet Barranin, il-Commonwealth u l-Iżvilupp tar-Renju Unit, James Cleverly.

Iż-żewġ naħat qalu li jħarsu ’l quddiem lejn l-implimentazzjoni ta’ ftehim ta’ koperazzjoni bilaterali ffirmat aktar kmieni llum, u tennew l-impenn biex jissaħħu r-relazzjonijiet eċċellenti bejn Malta u r-Renju Unit, speċjalment fil-qasam tas-saħħa.